A Focus on Educators

The George C. Marshall Foundation Teachers Institute is a specialized, four-day professional development seminar for secondary school history teachers at the George C. Marshall Foundation in Lexington, Virginia.  

Gen. Marshall’s significant contributions to our nation and the world provide a rich array of topics for the classroom. The program focuses on the practical aspects of teaching 20th-century history, with a special emphasis on Marshall and World War II. 

The small group setting of up to 15 creates an environment conducive to engaging discussions and collaborations among participants, stimulating lectures by guest speakers, and hands-on experience developing a portfolio of lesson plans for the upcoming school year. 


“As an educator, this (program) allowed me to grow in my knowledge of George C. Marshall and develop practical and relative lessons for my classroom. Each event, presentation, and discussion group left me wanting more time to learn, experience, and grow as an educator.” 


“I came away from this conference with multiple resources and information about the Marshall Plan, but I have also made friends with historians who teach in real classrooms with real students.”  


“The George C. Marshall Foundation Teachers Institute provided a wonderful week to recharge and re-energize for the upcoming school year. The program deepened my understanding and appreciation for Gen. Marshall, which will be invaluable in my classroom. The lesson (plan) I’ve created as part of the program is an exciting addition to my instruction.”


“The George C. Marshall Institute gives participating teachers depth of knowledge while engaging with experts in archives, the State Department and the Marshall Foundation’s research library. I am so grateful to have been surrounded by passionate educators and professionals all week.”


“To be given the gift of learning about an incredible American patriot and to find a way to share that knowledge with my students — priceless.”



  • Who is the program for?arrow

    The seminar is ideal for middle school and high school teachers of U.S. history and world history. 

  • What does it cost to attend?arrow

    Nothing. Lodging and meals are covered by the program, with a small stipend provided for transportation. This is made possible by the support of George C. Marshall Foundation supporters.  

  • What are the dates?arrow

    The program is held in June and July. The dates for the 2024 session are TBD. 

  • What is the schedule of events?arrow

    The structure of the Teachers Institute gives participants a front-row seat to some of the most important historic events of the mid-20th century. 

    Participants will attend a series of lectures on topics related to Gen. George C. Marshall and World War II. Time will be scheduled for visits to nearby attractions related to the time period. 

  • How will I build my lesson plan?arrow

    Blocks of time are reserved each day for curricular planning with the Marshall Foundation’s librarian. Attendees will also learn about the vast resources within the Marshall Foundation Library and how to access them for future use. 

  • Is there a continuing education credit?arrow

    Participants receive a certificate of completion at the conclusion of the seminar. Participants may present this certificate to their school for recertification credit.

How can I register?

Click the link below to provide your email address and be notified.

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