June 24, 2020 Allied Strategic Debates: North African versus cross-Channel invasion June 1942 It was an inauspicious time for the Second Washington Conference to convene. The Allied position in the Mediterranean…
May 22, 2020 Seeing Stars Gens. Dwight D. Eisenhower and George C. Marshall at the Algeria Conference There’s an issue with this photo. Do you…
May 8, 2020 Victory in Europe “The mission of this Allied force was fulfilled at 0241, local time, May 7th, 1945,” Gen. Eisenhower to the Combined…
April 9, 2020 Cooking with World War II Rations – What I Learned Cooking with World War II ration recipes – Main dish Many of us are cooking from what we have in…
November 23, 2018 Marshall and Dill The relationship between General George C. Marshall and Field Marshal Sir John G. Dill has been considered one of the…
October 19, 2018 Marshall and the Recall of Stilwell Lt. Col. George C. Marshall served as executive officer of the 15th Regiment in Tientsin, an area in northern China,…
August 31, 2018 Marshall and His Extension as Chief of Staff August 31, 1943, was the last day of General George C. Marshall’s 4-year appointment as chief of staff of the…
August 17, 2018 Marshall and “Pa” Watson Seventy-eight years ago this week, Army Chief of Staff General George C. Marshall met with President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Senior…
August 10, 2018 The Anniversary of the Dieppe Raid This month, August 19th, sees the 76th anniversary of the (overwhelmingly) British-Canadian raid on the French port of Dieppe. This…